The Harvard Law School Editorial Style Guide was developed by the HLS Communications Office to support consistency within and among multiauthor HLS publications (magazines, reports, journals, and newsletters) and platforms (websites and blogs) across the school. Originally developed by the Harvard Gazette, it is based on the AP Stylebook, with minor modifications specific to Harvard University and Harvard Law School. Going forward, it will serve as the guide for all written editorial content on the Harvard Law School website, Harvard Law Today, the Harvard Law Bulletin, and other platforms, and will be updated at least once each year. The HLS A-Z Style Guide is also available as a reference — providing recommendations for spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and proper usage of common words and phrases. Spelling guidance will be drawn from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary or Merriam-Webster online. For questions about this guide, please contact the HLS Communications Office at
Last updated: July 28, 2021For editorial purposes we will always use the periods in degrees. However, if you are creating a poster, social media post, etc. – something where space is at a premium or readability is an issue – you can use your discretion.
1L, 1Ls = First-year law student
2L, 2Ls = Second-year law student
3L, 3Ls = Third-year law student
Official course/class titles are capitalized, but generic areas of study are not: Jody Freeman’s Climate and Energy Law and Policy class; Professor Mark Roe’s bankruptcy class.
For the most up-to-date faculty names, please refer to the HLS Faculty Directory. Use the faculty name as listed, unless instructed otherwise. For example, use Randall Kennedy, not Randy Kennedy. The use of a middle initial however is often based on personal preference, and you are not required to use a middle initial for all faculty members even when listed in the directory. One exception to that is HLS Dean John F. Manning; use the middle initial F.
There are some faculty members who prefer including their middle name, such as Andrew Manuel Crespo and Michael Ashley Stein. When in doubt, verify with Harvard Law Today stories or other trusted sources, such as the faculty member’s own website or social media accounts.
Current research program names can be found in the Research Program and Centers page. Please use full names on first mention: Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, not just Berkman Klein, as well as specific punctuation, such as Animal Law & Policy Program uses an ampersand, not the word “and.”
Visit the HLS Clinics page for full names and descriptions of each of the in-house clinics, externships, advanced clinical programs, and independent clinical programs.
The HLS Department Directory lists the proper names, department heads and titles, contact information, and a link to the staff directory for each department.
The preferred ways of referring to the library, in order, are:
Do not use Langdell Library. The HLS Library is located in, and entered through, Langdell Hall, but Langdell is not the name of the library.
To find the proper name for student orgs, please use the Student Organizations Directory or visit the student org website to see how they refer to themselves (often in the “About” section).
To find the proper name for student journals and publications, please use the HLS Journals and Publications Directory or visit the student journal or publication website to see how they refer to themselves (often in the “About” section).
In editorial content, avoid putting abbreviations in quotes or parentheses after the name – work the abbreviation into the story later: The American Civil Liberties Union, also known as the ACLU, is actively involved.
Use accents or other diacritical marks with names of people who request them or are widely known to use them, or if quoting directly in a language that uses them: An officer spotted him and asked a question: “Cómo estás?” How are you? Otherwise, do not use these marks in English-language stories.
We would not use the accent in the word resume (when meaning a CV).
Do not use in place of the word and in a sentence. Incorrect: Students must take physics & chemistry classes. Use an ampersand only in body text when it is part of an official name: AT&T; Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society.
AP doesn’t like them, but we find we need them in specific cases. For example, when inserting a first name or a year or a location in a quote or for letting the reader know that a change was made to a quote:
“I used to work with Ralph Nader [’58] in D.C.”
“I took several courses with Professor [David] Rosenberg.”
“I started working at Michaels Inc. [in Los Angeles] in September.”
Use the serial comma: She rides planes, trains, airplanes, and boats.
Use an ellipsis to indicate the deletion of one or more words in quoted material. Be especially careful to avoid deletions that would distort the meaning. An ellipsis also may be used to indicate a thought that the speaker or writer does not complete.
Create an ellipsis: Mac – Option + semicolon; PC – hold down Alt key and type 0133
Avoid using exclamation points in editorial content.
Use semicolons in a series with elements that have internal commas: Attending the meeting were Laurence H. Tribe, Carl M. Loeb University Professor Emeritus; Charles Fried, Beneficial Professor of Law; and Deputy Dean John Goldberg.
For dates and years, use numerals.
Spell out fractions less than 1 and hyphenate between words. Use figures for numbers above one: two-thirds teaspoon of vanilla, 1 1/3 cups of milk.
For very large numbers, millions and more, use a combination of numerals (carried to one decimal point) and words (to eliminate a string of zeros): The program cost $2.3 million. Do not go beyond two decimal places. In a headline, this would be: The program cost $2.3M.
When two numbers occur together, spell out one of them for clarity. When this happens, one of the numbers is usually a unit of measurement; that number is the better one to set in numerals: Stephen is taking three 4-credit courses during the fall term.
Spell out numbers when they begin sentences. If the number is too long and awkward to spell out, rephrase the sentence. The exception is if the sentence starts with a year; years are always numerals. Use: Fifty students passed the exam instead of: 50 students passed the exam. The exception is in titles or headlines; there you can use numerals, even under 10.
Use figures for ordinal numbers above ninth; spell out ordinals under 10th: fifth place, 21st century.
When using figures with percent, use a % sign; do not spell out “percent.” Do not hyphenate as a noun or adjective: The loan program was set at 9%. He received a 3% raise.
See Symbols section for more uses for numbers referencing money.
dollar / dollar sign
Latitude, the distance north or south of the equator, is designated by parallels. Longitude, the distance east or west of Greenwich, England, is designated by meridians. Use these forms to express degrees of latitude and longitude: New York City lies at 40 degrees 45 minutes north latitude and 74 degrees 0 minutes west longitude; New York City lies south of the 41st parallel north and along the 74th meridian west.
In nontechnical text, units of measurement are abbreviated only when space is at a premium (e.g., in tables) or when the abbreviations facilitate comprehension (e.g., when numerical data cluster thickly in a paragraph). Foot (ft), kilogram (kg), meter (m), mile (mi), second (sec — U.S. abbrev)
When an abbreviated unit of measurement appears in a compound adjective preceding a noun, the compound is not hyphenated: a 20 ft wall, a 13 m tube, a 10 km race, a 5 kg carton.
Use figures for all except zero. Use a word, not a minus sign, to indicate temperatures below zero: The day’s low was minus 10. The day’s low was 10 below zero.
Temperatures get higher or lower, but they don’t get warmer or cooler: Temperatures are expected to rise in the area Friday.
Do not underline or italicize publications, including journals, magazines and newspapers. Use the following conventions:
Use quotation marks around the titles of:
Example: They sang “The Star-Spangled Banner” before the game. “Edward Steichen: A Biography” (Harvard University Press, 2000)
Use “that” and “which” in referring to inanimate objects and to animals without a name.
Onto is a preposition, it implies movement and is more specific than on.
A good trick to remember when to use “on to” vs. “onto” is to try inserting “up” before “on” in a sentence. If it still makes sense, then onto is probably the correct choice: Hang on to the handlebars. Don’t climb onto that beam. I can’t log on to my computer.
The language in the Identity section currently comes directly from the AP Stylebook. HLS is seeking internal guidance in contemplation of ongoing revisions that are reflective of identity within the HLS community. If you have any questions about these recommendations, please feel free to contact us at
Avoid as a synonym for white, unless in a quotation.
We acknowledge that best practices when it comes to writing about gender, sex, and sexual identity are constantly evolving; even individual preferences vary over time. As always, please respect the preferences of the person you are writing about, which may be different from what is written in this guide.
In general, use terms that can apply to any gender. Such language aims to treat people equally and is inclusive of people whose gender identity is not strictly male or female.
Balance these aims with common sense, respect for the language, and an understanding that gender-neutral or gender-inclusive language is evolving and in some cases is challenging to achieve.
Consider any word or term that has the effect of emphasizing one gender over another. Is there another word that could be substituted? For example: search instead of manhunt, police officer instead of policeman, door attendant instead of doorman.
A true gender-neutral noun often presents itself easily: chair or chairperson, firefighter, workforce. In other cases, a noun may technically not be gender-neutral but instead be a masculine noun that assumes the generic case under English language convention: actor, host.
In general, use terms such as chair or chairperson, councilperson or council member, and spokesperson unless the -man or -woman terms are specified by an organization. Councilmember is acceptable in jurisdictions that have adopted the one-word version.
The terms U.S. representative, representative, member of Congress are preferred. Congressman and congresswoman are acceptable because of their common use. Do not use congressperson.
Gender is not synonymous with sex. Gender refers to a person’s social identity, while sex refers to biological characteristics. Not all people fall under one of two categories for sex or gender, according to leading medical organizations, so avoid references to both, either or opposite sexes or genders as a way to encompass all people. When needed for clarity or in certain stories about scientific studies, alternatives include men and women, boys and girls, males and females. Language around gender is evolving.
In most cases, a plural pronoun should agree in number with the antecedent: The children love the books their uncle gave them. They/them/their is acceptable as a singular and/or gender-neutral pronoun, when alternative wording is overly awkward or clumsy. Rewording is usually possible and preferable. Clarity is a top priority; gender-neutral use of a singular they is unfamiliar to many readers.
In stories about people who identify as neither male nor female or ask not to be referred to as he/she/him/her: Use the person’s name in place of a pronoun, or otherwise reword the sentence, whenever possible. If they/them/their use is essential, explain in the text that the person prefers a gender-neutral pronoun. Be sure that the phrasing does not imply more than one person. Examples of rewording: Hendricks said the new job is a thrill (instead of Hendricks said Hendricks is thrilled about the new job or Hendricks said they are thrilled about the new job).
When they is used in the singular, it takes a plural verb: Taylor said they need a new car. (Again, be sure it’s clear from the context that only one person is involved.)
The singular reflexive themself is acceptable only if needed in constructions involving people who identify as neither male nor female. Again, it’s usually possible and always best to rephrase. Dana Adams was not available for comment yet (instead of Dana Adams did not make themself available for comment).
Describes people who don’t experience sexual attraction, though they may feel other types of attraction, such as romantic or aesthetic. Not synonymous with and does not assume celibacy.
Describes people attracted to more than one gender. Some people prefer pansexual, which describes people attracted to others regardless of their gender. The shortened version bi is acceptable in quotations.
Describes people whose gender identity matches the one they were assigned at birth; that is, not transgender. Explain if necessary. Do not use terms like normal to describe people who are not transgender. Not synonymous with heterosexual, which refers to sexual orientation.
gay, lesbian
Used to describe people attracted to the same sex, though lesbian is the more common term for women. Preferred over homosexual. Include sexual orientation only when it is pertinent to a story, and avoid references to sexual preference or to a gay or alternative lifestyle. Gays is acceptable as a plural noun when necessary, but do not use the singular gay as a noun. Lesbian is acceptable as a noun in singular or plural form. Sexual orientation is not synonymous with gender.
gender-nonconforming (adj.)
Acceptable in broad references as a term for people who do not conform to gender expectations. The group is providing scholarships for gender-nonconforming students. When talking about individuals, be specific about how a person describes or expresses gender identity and behavior. Roberta identifies as both male and female. Not synonymous with transgender. Use other terms like bigender (a term for people who identify as a combination of two genders) or agender (people who identify as having no gender) only if used by subjects to describe themselves, and only with explanation.
heterosexual (n. and adj.)
In males, a sexual orientation that describes attraction to females, and vice versa. Straight is acceptable. Transgender people can be heterosexual.
homophobia, homophobic
Acceptable in broad references or in quotations to the concept of fear or hatred of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. The governor denounced homophobia. In individual cases, be specific about observable actions; avoid descriptions or language that assumes motives. The leaflets contained an anti-gay slur. The voters opposed same-sex marriage. Related terms include biphobia (fear or hatred specifically of bisexuals) and transphobia (fear or hatred of transgender people).
homosexual (adj.), homosexuality (n.)
Refers to the sexual orientations of gay and/or lesbian. Gay and lesbian is preferred as an adjective; homosexuality is acceptable when an umbrella term is needed. Avoid homosexual as a noun.
Describes people born with genitalia, chromosomes or reproductive organs that don’t fit typical definitions for males or females. Gonzalez is an intersex person who identifies as female. Zimmerman is intersex. Do not use the outdated term hermaphrodite.
LGBT, LGBTQ (adj.)
Acceptable in all references for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning and/or queer. In quotations and the formal names of organizations and events, other forms such as LGBTQIA and other variations are also acceptable with the other letters explained. I generally stands for intersex, and A can stand for asexual (a person who doesn’t experience sexual attraction), ally (some activists decry this use of the abbreviation for a person who is not LGBT but who actively supports LGBT communities) or both. Use of LGBT or LGBTQ is best as an adjective and an umbrella term. Don’t use it, for instance, when the group you’re referring to is limited to bisexuals. Walters joined the LGBTQ business association. Queer is an umbrella term covering people who are not heterosexual or cisgender and is acceptable for people and organizations that use the term to identify themselves. Do not use it when intended as a slur.
People are nonbinary if their gender identity is not strictly male or female. Not synonymous with transgender. Explain in a story if the context doesn’t make it clear.
Do not presume maleness in constructing a sentence by defaulting to he/his/him. Usually it is possible, and always preferable, to reword the sentence to avoid gender: Reporters try to protect their sources.
In most cases, a plural pronoun such as they, them or their should agree in number with the antecedent: The children love the books their uncle gave them. They/them/their is acceptable in limited cases as a gender-neutral pronoun, when alternative wording is overly awkward or clumsy. However, rewording usually is possible and always is preferable. Clarity is a top priority; gender-neutral use of a singular they is unfamiliar to many readers.
Arguments for using they/them as a singular sometimes arise with unspecified/unknown gender (the victim, the winner). In stories about people who identify as neither male nor female or ask not to be referred to as he/she/him/her: Use the person’s name in place of a pronoun, or otherwise reword the sentence, whenever possible. If they/them/their use is essential, explain in the text that the person prefers a gender-neutral pronoun. Be sure that the phrasing does not imply more than one person.
Examples of rewording: Hendricks said the new job is a thrill (instead of Hendricks said Hendricks is thrilled about the new job or Hendricks said they are thrilled about the new job). Lowry’s partner is Dana Adams, an antiques dealer. They bought a house last year (instead of Lowry and Lowry’s partner bought a house last year or Lowry and their partner bought a house last year).
When they is used in the singular, it takes a plural verb: Taylor said they need a new car. (Again, be sure it’s clear from the context that only one person is involved.)
The singular reflexive themself is acceptable only if needed in constructions involving people who identify as neither male nor female. Again, it’s usually possible and always best to rephrase. Dana Adams was not available for comment (instead of Dana Adams did not make themself available for comment).
same-sex marriage
The preferred term over gay marriage because the laws generally don’t address sexual orientation. In places where it’s legal, same-sex marriage is no different from other marriages, so the term should be used only when germane and needed to distinguish from marriages between male-female heterosexual couples. Gertrude Boxer and Savannah Boxer dated for several years before their marriage in 2014. Sex is not synonymous with gender.
transgender (adj.)
Describes people whose gender identity does not match the sex they were identified as having at birth. Does not require what are often known as sex reassignment or gender confirmation procedures. Identify people as transgender only if pertinent, and use the name by which they live publicly. Generally, avoid references to a transgender person being born a boy or girl, since it’s an unnecessary detail and excludes intersex babies. Bernard is a transgender man. Christina is transgender. The shorthand trans is acceptable on second reference and in headlines: Grammys add first man and first trans woman as trophy handlers.
Do not use as a noun, such as referring to someone as a transgender, or use the term transgendered. Not synonymous with terms like cross-dresser or drag queen, which do not have to do with gender identity. Do not use the outdated term transsexual.
Use the name by which a transgender person now lives. Refer to a previous name, sometimes called a deadname, only if relevant to the story.
transition, gender transition
The processes transgender people go through to match their gender identity, which may include sex reassignment or gender confirmation procedures, but not necessarily. Washington is transitioning while helping his daughter consider universities. Chamberlain’s family offered support during her transition.
woman, women
Use female as an adjective, not woman. She is the first female governor of North Carolina.
Treatment of the sexes should be evenhanded and free of assumptions and stereotypes.
Capitalize before a name when it is the formal title. It is the formal title for members of the U.S. Supreme Court and for jurists on some state courts. In such cases, do not use judge in the first or subsequent references.
Capitalize before a name when it is the formal title for an individual who presides in a court of law. Do not continue to use the title in second reference. Do not use court as part of the title unless confusion would result without it.
Do not include P.C. or LLC unless it’s in a quote or a profile.
Use curly quotes in WordPress instead of straight quotes. This should be the default, but if you need keyboard shortcuts to create one:
For editorial content in Harvard Law Today:
They can be used at the end of posts to create a Related Content section, after intros, sometimes to offset callouts or sidebars.