Normally, the interest you earn on your savings bonds becomes part of your gross income for tax purposes. Under certain conditions, though, you can avoid taxes on the interest by using it to pay for higher education.
Series EE or I savings bonds issued after 1989.
They must be registered with you as the owner. If you are married, they may be registered with you and your spouse as owners.
Important: Note the age restriction in the next section. The owner of the bond must be 24 years or older when the bond is issued. Therefore, a bond registered with a child as owner will not qualify even years later when the child is ready for college. If you want to buy savings bonds to later get this tax exclusion for a child's higher education, you must register the bonds with yourself, or yourself and your spouse, as owners.
You can take the tax exclusion if you meet all of these conditions:
IRS Form 8815 gives details and instructions.
If you meet all the conditions, fill out IRS Form 8815 and submit it with your tax return.